It seems each day has brought about new challenges.  At last report his liver was failing, and on Friday morning it had gotten worse, but actually peaked on Friday evening.  Saturday’s numbers were better than Friday, so there is hope it will turn around.  He also had a fever on Friday which was no longer present yesterday, so another concern subsided for the moment.  He continues to slip into episodes of VTAC where his heart races requiring the nurses to shock him to get back in rhythm.  This can be triggered by medications, fluctuations in potassium, and other more serious problems with his heart.  They have engaged the cardiologist team that specializes in this area and they are studying him closely to determine a proper course of treatment.

They did a pressure support trial yesterday as well.  That is the process of turning off the breathing machine to see how well he can breathe on his own and exercise his lungs.  He was actually able to sustain his own breathing for nearly two hours which is very positive.  He had his eyes open, but was not able to respond to commands which we have learned should be expected.  The Ecmo machine often leads to what they call “fog brain” which may take up to a week to clear.  They are planning a pressure support trial again today with hopes of removing his breathing tube.  We will see what today brings.  Let’s pray that his liver numbers keep coming down.  That would be a great day.